Project Vision
The vision for the University Lakes system is to be an unmatched recreational amenity for all people of Baton Rouge, one that offers safe and comfortable routes for walkers, runners, cyclist, and one that offers spaces for gathering and spaces for contemplation. To do so, the Lakes will be reimagined as a sustainable ecological jewel that increases water quality and offers habitat for aquatic and land based animals. The Lakes will become a place where people and nature come together, a celebration of the South Louisiana environment and a celebration of Baton Rouge Culture!
Bring Forward
the Vision
In 2016 the Baton Rouge Area Foundation sponsored a master planning process that set forth an ambitious vision for the University Lakes system. The planning and design work on the implementation effort engaged residents from near and far to define the detailed design to implement the vision set forth by the master plan. This process includes detailed field investigations of the lake's bottom and surrounding area, schematic design plans for the entire lakes systems and construction documentation used for the first phase of improvements to the Lake's natural systems and the recreational amenities that surround it.
(100 MB PDF)

Artist Rendering, Does Not Indicate Final Plans